Meet our March Collaborator of the month - Bailey Archer!

Her charm and vibrant spirit are truly infectious, and we cannot help but admire her uncanny ability to blend the old with the new. Bailey is an endless source of inspiration for us and her followers. She seamlessly blends patterns, modern styles and vintage touches, and she's not afraid to add a splash of color in every corner of her home. We're always excited to see how she'll bring our pieces to life within her home, and we hope you will be too!
Discover more about Bailey and don't miss the opportunity to explore her beautiful home and style on Instagram @cozycrazing.
- Describe your style of decorating?
I pull inspiration from so many different styles. I love the mix of vintage and modern patterns and colors. I don’t think I could put a specific name or label on my style. I just choose pieces that bring me joy and happiness without giving it too much thought. Somehow, it all comes together to form a style that is uniquely mine!
- Favorite color to decorate with?
I definitely lean more toward blues and greens; however, I do love adding other colors through accessories and florals. Pink is my favorite color to throw into the mix!
- Favorite Room in your Home?
It might sound strange, but my boys’/guest bathroom is my favorite. We completely gutted and remodeled it, and I couldn’t love it more. It’s a space I’m very proud of. It’s tiny but packs a big punch!

- What is your favorite thing to do in Springtime?
I love to throw the windows and doors open, crank up my favorite music, and piddle around the house. Whether it’s cleaning, styling, or playing with flowers, that’s my happy spot!
- What was your last impulse buy?
I’m not really much of a shopper. If I do buy something, then I really have to love it! The last things I bought were Bernard and Bernice, two adorable bunnies from my super talented friend, and last month’s collaborator of the month, Stacie Moore!

- What’s something that you do not like doing?
I absolutely cannot stand going to the grocery store. I blame it on covid! I got so used to not going, and now the thought of it is just ughhh! Luckily, my hubby enjoys going daily and never minds picking things up for our family.
- It’s March, the month of St. Patty’s Day. Do you believe in good luck charms? If so do you have one?
I’m not a big believer in luck but am in faith. Ladybugs are a symbol of that for me and mean a great deal to me and my family. Whenever we see one, I’m reminded of God’s love and all He has carried my family through.
- 5 words that describe you?
Stubborn, protective, loyal, passionate, and fun!
- What is your favorite childhood memory?
Hands down, the holidays with my family. My parents did such an amazing job at making them all so magical and memorable for my brothers and me!
- What is your go to lazy dinner?
Shredded chicken tacos or takeout!
- What is the first thing you notice about a person?
The way they treat others!
- What is the kindest thing anyone has ever done for you?
There isn’t one thing in particular, but my family and friends who carried me through the most difficult time in my life will forever hold a special place in my heart. I could never find adequate words to thank them fully!
- What has been your favorite age so far?
30! I was starting to come out of the depths of grief, after the passing of my son. I was working at my boy’s preschool - a job and time in my life I will never forget, and life felt fun again!
- Who is your inspiration and why?
My Mom! She is my best friend, biggest cheerleader, motivator, and inspiration. She is the absolute best human I know!
- What motivates you the most?
The things I’m passionate about and believe in deeply!
- Do you collect anything?
Yes, so many things, but my favorite collection is my stoneware bowls!

- Something about you that would surprise your followers?
I’m 6 feet tall and the shortest in my family! My Mom is 6’1, my Dad 6’7, and my brothers 6’6 and 6’4. We made a statement wherever we went!
- Best advice you ever received?
To not stress about what others are doing! Do what you love, feels right for your family and brings you joy!
- The one thing you could not live without?
Other than the obvious, like faith, family and friends, I’d have to say good Mexican food and a margarita!
- Favorite item that you have collaborated with Cotton and Crete?
My Vanessa chairs! They are the most beautiful, comfortable chairs, and add so much beauty and character to our dining room!