Custom window treatments are beautiful but can also be very expensive. Sometimes it can be fun to find something different to use for the windows that not only looks great but is affordable.
Below are some examples of things that can give your windows a unique look without breaking the bank.
Why not find a really great sign to put above the window. If you can find one that's a perfect fit or you can cut down to fit, why not make one out of a wood pallet. Write a family motto, funny quote, song lyric, or anything else you want on it.

Recycled Shutters Shutters can be a great choice for the interior. With this set you can find the hardware for mounting barn doors on Amazon, attach the shutters and you have a great window covering.

Plants or Flowers A fun way to add some interest to window would be to add plants of flowers. Hanging herbs above in front of a kitchen window would not only look great but be functional as well.

Upcycle Old Fabric In this case old burlap coffee bean bags were used. If you love the thrill of searching through flea markets or antique stores, you could definitely find some really cool ideas.

Re-use Those Old Beach Mats Everyone today is looking for the bamboo style blinds for their windows but they are expensive. Why not run over to the Five Below and purchase a couple of bamboo beach mats. I found this on Color Me Thrifty's site.
Easy DIY Beach Mat Blind - Color Me Thrifty

Hardware Change
A beautiful idea for curtain hardware is using a curved bathroom shower rod. It can transform the look in a bedroom from basic to elegant.